Effective Employee Recognition & Rewards Programs
aImplementing an ‘Employee Reward Programs’ is not an easy task. It takes lot of efforts and observations for a recognition program successfully. A gracious reminder and little incentives are necessary sometimes when it comes to encouraging the employees.
Here are few useful ideas for employee reward programs:
- Package the program
This is one of the most important aspects of selling a product and the employee recognition program also needs the same. A good packaging is required for selling a product and making it look worth buying. Employee recognition program also needs an identity, name and topic. The identity of program can also be a great motivation point for employees. You should use graphics on internal company communications, cards, newsletters, updates and award certificates.
- Give a reminder
When you have planned and designed the layout of your recognition program, remind your team about it. You need to post a newsletter on your intranet in order to let your employees know the details about the employee reward program. Just speak about the appreciation program during a team meeting and conference.
- Identify the Program Winners
Business owners or CEO’s of the companies need to identify the best and active candidatesfor their programs. They should praise their most successful employee in company meetings. It will motivate them to do even better next time. When you recognize a person who vigorously contributes in the recognition program, you should send a message about the importance of performance acknowledgementto the whole team in your organization. It is great method to recompense employees who play vital role in keeping the program strong.
- Include New Rewards
You should include or introduce new loyalty rewards in your program for evoking the interest of your employees. Add some alternatives in your program that make it more attractive and encourage your team to win it by giving their best. Owners can add popular gifts and the occasion for new reward.
- Give Incentive
The best way to motivate employees is giving them rewards & recognition for their good work. It can be anything from special snacks to movies tickets or some extra bucks in salary. Just set a goal in your program and talk about it with your team and encourage them to participate in it. Setting a target and providing encouragement is an enormous mode to get employees keyed up about your program.
- Survey Employees
- If you do not see any improvement and change in the excitement level of your employees in program participation, the last step is to take survey of employees. When you see that your above methods are not working out just ask them in meeting what excites them in the recognition program and which kind of rewards & incentives schemes they want.